Implementing flipped classroom: first year college students’ academic performance in a EFL reading comprehension course

  • José Ramón Jiménez Rivas Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México


Nowadays the flipped classroom approach has acquired a great interest, largely due to the situation caused by the Sars – Co V - 2 virus which afflicts us worldwide. The interest in this methodology derives from the combination of other important constructs in education such as: self-directed learning, student - centered learning, academic performance, as well as Ict (information and communication technologies) in the classroom. Although there is an infinity of research on flipped classroom and reading comprehension in English, a few of them study reading comprehension as a sole skill. Reading comprehension instruction represents several challenges and a special teaching method when taught as foreign language (Efl). This study aimed to prove whether the implementation of a Efl reading comprehension course for first - year undergraduate students at a public university in northern Mexico City improves academic performance on that subject. The study design was quasi - experimental with a non-random sample of 63 students both female and male. Pre- and post - tests were given to assess academic performance. From the Mann – Whitney U test analysis, it was found that the difference between flipped classroom - traditional instruction, is not statistically significant (U = 454, p = .938, r = 0.01).


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How to Cite
Jiménez Rivas , J. R. (2023). Implementing flipped classroom: first year college students’ academic performance in a EFL reading comprehension course. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(26).
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