Proposal of technopedagogical strategies for designing high-quality courses on virtual platforms

  • Raquel Mondragón Huerta Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Teresa García Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Edith Olivo García Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


Technopedagogical learning strategies are a valuable tool to improve more effective learning. By combining technology with an appropriate pedagogical methodology, better learning results are achieved and the training of students more prepared to face the challenges of the future. The use of virtual learning environments is fundamental in online education since it allows students to learn autonomously. However, the quality of learning can be compromised by factors such as a lack of interaction and motivation. The cooperation between technology and pedagogy is crucial to face the current challenges of online education and ensure quality education for this reason, this work focuses on improving the quality of learning in online courses using environments virtual learning. The research method used was mixed and the proposal focused on three fundamental axes: didactic strategies, technological strategies and learning analytics. The results of the data analysis offered by the platform make it possible to determine the impact of the activities on the platform and the interaction of students with them to determine if they help to meet the established learning objectives and improve the potential of education. online to offer students an enriching educational experience.


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How to Cite
Mondragón Huerta, R., García Ramírez, T., & Olivo García, E. (2023). Proposal of technopedagogical strategies for designing high-quality courses on virtual platforms. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 14(27).
Scientific articles