Curricular Assessment of Computer Engineering from a Mexican University from the Perception of its Graduates

  • Oscar Solis Rodríguez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • María del Consuelo Cortés Velázquez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Claudia Patricia Figueroa Ypiña Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Aurelio Enrique López Barrón Universidad de Guadalajara


The purpose of this work was to evaluate the Computer Engineering curriculum of a mexican university. From the perspective of its graduates, proposals related to the fulfillment of the objectives of the curriculum were answered; the level of academic satisfaction; and identifying career strengths and weaknesses. The evaluation was carried out using a mixed approach. For this, the CIPP model of Stufflebeam and Shinkfield (1987/2011) was applied, which its name responds to the four stages that integrates it: context, input, process and product. It should be noted that, for the purpose of the investigation, the evaluation focused specifically on the product stage. The data collection included the revision of the institutional document containing the objectives of the curriculum; the application of two questionnaires to 63 graduates; and, in addition, an interview with a focus group of 13 participants. In data analysis; based on the institutional document, a content analysis was made; based on the information obtained from the questionnaires, a descriptive statistical analysis and a sequential discourse analysis were made; from the data collected in the interview with the focus group, a sequential discourse analysis was also made. About the results, the most important finding to note is that it was shown that there is a correspondence between the achievements of Computer Engineering and the objectives listed in the curriculum. In addition, that all graduates are being prepared with most of the knowledge of a professional in this career. However, when it comes to skills and abilities, graduates of Systems Software orientation are being adequately prepared; In the Digital Systems orientation, this does not happen since there is no correspondence between the graduation profile achieved by the graduates and what is established in the curriculum. Furthermore, it was shown that graduates are developing attitudes and values ​​described in the curriculum. Regarding academic satisfaction, the graduates expressed having had a good experience studying the degree. Finally, they were identified; as career strengths, the design of the curricular mesh and professional practices; such as weaknesses, aspects related to the teaching staff and equipment and infrastructure.


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How to Cite
Solis Rodríguez, O., Cortés Velázquez, M. del C., Figueroa Ypiña, C. P., & López Barrón, A. E. (2020). Curricular Assessment of Computer Engineering from a Mexican University from the Perception of its Graduates. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 11(21).
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