Peer review process

All articles received are reviewed, firstly, that they meet the formal criteria required by the journal that comes in the Submissions section. That will guarantee the adaptation to the norms of the magazine, the relevance, the rigor and the originality of the investigations. During this phase, the manuscripts will be submitted to the Turnitin anti-plagiarism tool. Articles that do not meet the formal criteria and/or the editorial policy of the journal will be rejected.

In a second phase, the articles that have passed the two previous reviews will be referred to the double-blind arbitration process (double-blind assessment), the editors do not disclose to the reviewers the names of the authors of the manuscript to be reviewed, and they do not disclose the names of the referees to the authors. The evaluators issue a judgment on the publication proposals, with the observations they consider pertinent. When the evaluation is positive, the comments of the evaluators will be sent to the authors through the editors of the journal.

To be included in the publication, it is necessary that the papers are free of editorial commitments of any other journal or publishing organ. Each contribution will be subject to double-blind assessment by academic experts on the subject to be presented. The failure of the adjudicators will be final and will determine the acceptance or rejection of the proposals. The Editorial Board of the magazine remember the number that texts that are approved will appear.

Peer review / responsibility of the reviewers:

- Opinions should be objective;

- Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with regard to research, the authors and / or funders of research;

- Reviewers should note if there is content not yet reviewed;

- Reviewed articles must be treated confidentially.

The Editorial Team of RIDE guarantees the adequacy of these evaluators to the theme of the article under evaluation, in addition to addressing possible conflicts of interest.