The presence of women in the face of the urban need for daily mobility and the impact on the home

  • Laura Vázquez Nájera Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Ma. de los Ángeles Martínez Ortega Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Minerva Martínez Ortega Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial


The objective of this work was to visualize the involvement of women in the pressing and urgent need of urban displacement, specifically it consisted of relating gender, socioeconomic characteristics and the mode of transport as factors of mobility, as well as the expense that this represented. activity. The travel data from the Encuesta Origen Destino en Hogares de la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México (EOD) 2017 were taken as a reference. The sample size was 66 625 homes, but the survey was designed with a factor that reflected all trips in the entire Metropolitan Area of ​​the Valley of Mexico (ZMVM). The survey captured trips made on weekdays and on Saturdays, but for this research only trips made only on weekdays were considered. The results indicate that, in terms of gender, women (0.697) make more trips than men (0.668) and also that the walk-only mode is used by the low strata (0.327) and medium low (0.720), while public transport is used by the medium high stratum (.771) and private (.875) by the high stratum. In the maps, the bar graphs descriptively show that it is in the periphery of the ZMVM where women make the most trips. Regarding the trips by socioeconomic strata, the low stratum represents 0.9 %, the low medium 54.5 %, the high medium 31.2 % and the high 13.4 %. It is concluded that the role of women in the dynamics of the home is very active, regardless of the socioeconomic stratum, due to the large number of functions in which it is involved.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Nájera, L., Martínez Ortega, M. de los Ángeles, & Martínez Ortega, M. (2022). The presence of women in the face of the urban need for daily mobility and the impact on the home. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(25).
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