The Use of ICT in the Teaching of Geometric Concepts in Basic Education

  • Francisco Flores Cuevas Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Claudio Rafael Vásquez Martínez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Felipe Anastacio González González Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas


This work focused on the development of competencies using information and communication technologies (TIC), and in a particular way on the use of GeoGebra (educational software) as a teaching-learning strategy of mathematics in secondary education students. The research design was quasi-experimental in nature; it allowed inferring the causal relationships between variables, one independent and two dependents. The sample was made up of 60 students from two groups of the seventh grade of the José Miguel de Restrepo y Puerta Educational Institution, in the municipality of Copacabana, Colombia, whose ages ranged between 12 and 15 years, and who took the subject of Mathematics, a course where the GeoGebra software package and other IT tools were implemented for the experimental group. Among the results stands out the value of ICT for teaching geometric concepts and the development of spatial thinking, as well as for students to acquire skills necessary for life.


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How to Cite
Flores Cuevas, F., Vásquez Martínez, C. R., & González González, F. A. (2021). The Use of ICT in the Teaching of Geometric Concepts in Basic Education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 12(23).
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