Fantasy, therapeutic support in the redefinition of cognitions

  • Eduardo De la Fuente Rocha Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


Purpose This paper presents a case study in which fantasy has been used to facilitate the promotion of insight into a couple that takes therapy for problems of spousal infidelity.   Methodology This process was conducted using the methodology proposed by analytical psychology, promoting the development of patients in their reproductive and creative imagination.   Results Both the man and his wife bring in the psychological problems of cognition couple learned and practiced for many years. The paper shows and discusses the advantages and limitations that this process provides for therapeutic work.


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How to Cite
De la Fuente Rocha, E. (2015). Fantasy, therapeutic support in the redefinition of cognitions. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 901 - 916. Retrieved from
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