MAZE3D: A computer game for improve spatial orientation

  • Flores Osorio Josué Universidad de la Cañada
  • Beatriz A. Sabino Moxo Universidad de la Cañada
  • J. Alberto Márquez Domínguez Universidad de la Cañada


The spatial orientation is a skill that helps to know where is a person, there are investigations using mazes to stimulate this ability, this type of testing is done manually on paper, pencil and behavioral observation, therefore  it is difficult to analyze the results and progress of the patient. This paper presents a computer game called MAZE3D, this software generates random mazes maps. The steps used for the development were: analysis, design, implementation, testing and results. With this system the specialist register the user time to solve the maze, also the user will find in it an entertainment tool. Tests were done with users, the solution time was measured, an improvement of 73.3 % was observed, in addition, 86.6 % of users said that the tool was enjoyable.


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How to Cite
Osorio Josué, F., Sabino Moxo, B. A., & Márquez Domínguez, J. A. (2015). MAZE3D: A computer game for improve spatial orientation. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 688 - 705. Retrieved from
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