Attributes of good university teaching

  • Guadalupe Ibarra Rosales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Introduction. This article develops the attributes and characteristics of good university teaching, taking into account the results of a survey on good teaching practice at the university level applied to students of the Master's in Pedagogy at UNAM who have graduated from this postgraduate program. Objective: to know the features and characteristics of good teaching in the opinion or in the opinion of the students of the 2020-2 generation of the Master's Degree in Pedagogy at UNAM. Method: A survey on good teaching practice at the university level whose instrument was a questionnaire with open questions. Theoretical references: The theoretical approaches of the model of professional competences, as well as the proposal of the new educational paradigm that has as its axis the learning of the students. Results: In a good university education, two dimensions are structured; pedagogy (82%) and ethics (18%). The pedagogical dimension is made up of three types of competences: a) pedagogical and didactic competences (56%), which were the most valued and ranked first as the main attribute of good teaching, b) in second place were placed innovative teaching competencies (38%), which are focused on changing and improving teaching, c) the third and last place was occupied by mastery of content (4%), which was the least valued by the students surveyed. Conclusions: The results obtained expose the attributes that qualify a good university teaching and therefore show those elements or aspects that could be taken into account to change and improve university teaching. Likewise, these results are in tune with the learning-centered paradigm, which constitutes an educational model that is being promoted and implemented worldwide.


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How to Cite
Ibarra Rosales, G. (2023). Attributes of good university teaching. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(26).
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