The epigenetic pattern in the development of violence in Mexico

  • Miguel Ángel Ibarra UNIVA


This paper studied how life stages and areas and modes of epigenetic model of Erik Erikson (Taken from the base model of psychosexual Freud) directly impact the formation of the personality of the members of a community and therefore also of an entire social system within a country. In turn, he was how violence plays an important role both as a cause and as a result of the situation in Mexico. This is a theoretical research, with qualitative, phenomenological and hermeneutical method. You are given more weight in this study for the explanation of the current situation Mexican, to the contributions made by others as Erikson, Goldberg and Gedo, Anna Freud, Balint, Guntrip, Fairbairn and Kernberg who give more importance to relations and affection between parents and children. Thus, the development of the stages of life, it helps to understand the phenomena occurring as it relates to violence and its direct impact on Mexican society.


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How to Cite
Ibarra, M. Ángel. (2015). The epigenetic pattern in the development of violence in Mexico. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 868 - 884. Retrieved from
Social and Humanities