Eco-technologies, online self-employment and sustainability; a triad of training needed today

  • Leticia Galindo González Universidad de Guadalajara


This article initially addresses the problems being experienced in Mexico such as environmental degradation and overexploitation of natural resources, both rural and metropolitan areas, and the lack of development opportunities. For this, the importance of education as a factor of change in the social, economic, environmental and quality of life aspect noted, so a documentary research was conducted aiming to identify online racing top level offer different universities in the country, and that could help solve these problems. Similarly, the educational programs of high school level that exist and that could contribute to the problem mentioned by finally proposing the creation of a new degree that conjuncts the disciplines of environmental technologies, self-employment and sustainability in the online mode were investigated, in order to achieve the proper use of natural resources through environmentally friendly technologies, reducing environmental impact, the individual or group self-employment, and the achievement of sustainable development of localities.


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How to Cite
Galindo González, L. (2015). Eco-technologies, online self-employment and sustainability; a triad of training needed today. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 393 - 407. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology