Video conference to promote learning: a perspective of the UVEG students

  • Nancy Fabiola Ramírez Hernández Universidad virtual de Guanajuato


The accelerated pace of technology and the search for academic training has generated the use of videoconferences in virtual teaching as a meeting space for learning, since it promotes interaction and communication between teachers and students and can be a space of motivation for those who opt for this type of study. The immersion of ICT in education has generated a question that is not easy to resolve, since much is questioned if quality learning is achieved in the virtual modality. This particular study intends to know the perspective of online students on the virtual sessions in the contribution of their learning, of the UVEG degree in Pedagogy, specifically in the subject of didactics. The survey was used as a data collection instrument for a small sample of students. Among the topics that are addressed are in relation to the virtual sessions, if they participate in them, if they help in their learning, how they promote their learning and what they consider should be addressed as topics in these synchronous meetings. The results showed that students consider videoconferences to be of great help in their learning by resolving doubts, expanding content information and interacting with their classmates, in addition to seeing them as an important part of their professional training. Videoconferencing is an excellent medium that supports distance education by bringing the teacher and student closer together to create conditions that generate significant learning.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Hernández, N. F. (2024). Video conference to promote learning: a perspective of the UVEG students. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 14(28).
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