The debate on self-regulation and cancellation of personal data on the Internet

  • Carmen Sabater Fernández Universidad de La Rioja


Communication is about the right to cancel personal data on the Internet (known popularly as the "right to forget") and the need for legislation regulating the indiscriminate use of personal information on the Web is presented the content of this right , the problems associated with it derived from public exposure and retention of personal information beyond the purpose for which it was collected, and the legislative proposals in the European Union on updating the privacy of personal data in the United States, as proposed Privacy Bill of Rights. While, at first, it emphasizes the need for further control data block or delete, the second proposed limitations to the indiscriminate use of certain personal information (religious, financial, medical) but both agree grant greater control of personal data to the user. Finally, we propose proactive defense of an area's own privacy that includes fundamental individual rights without undermining the freedom of expression.


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How to Cite
Sabater Fernández, C. (2015). The debate on self-regulation and cancellation of personal data on the Internet. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 1(1), 151 - 168. Retrieved from
Social and Humanities