Use of GeoGebra and representation registers in contextualized problems for learning systems of 2x2 linear equations

  • César Eduardo Aceves Aldrete Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Verónica Vargas Alejo Universidad de Guadalajara


Mathematical concepts are not real objects and different representations must be used to promote learning. The use of GeoGebra to develop mathematical knowledge is recognized in numerous investigations, which raise the need to design situations that allow exploration, formulation of conjectures, argumentation and evaluation of them. The research was qualitative because it was interested in knowing the development of knowledge of 25 students, from a group of the second semester of the evening shift of a General Baccalaureate by Competencies, around the resolution of verbal statement problems, and their algebraic and graphic representation. that gave rise to systems of 2x2 linear equations. The research literature is composed by Duval's theory of Semiotic Representation Registers. The analysis of the results shows that the context used, the use of different representations and the dynamic nature of the software were important for students to give meaning to concepts such as linear equation, unknown, variable, function, SEL and, therefore, solve the systems of 2x2 linear equations that underlay the problems.


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How to Cite
Aceves Aldrete, C. E., & Vargas Alejo, V. (2024). Use of GeoGebra and representation registers in contextualized problems for learning systems of 2x2 linear equations. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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