Let us light the path to those who have tripped so they can move forward
Higher education in Mexico faces significant challenges in terms of failure and academic lag, factors that negatively impact the academic performance of students and their professional and personal development. Despite efforts to reduce these rates, Higher Education Institutions continue to seek strategies to address this problem. The objective of this research was to explain the lag and failure of higher education students through tutoring, in order to propose strategies for continuous improvement. A descriptive methodology was used through a sequential mixed method in two stages. First, a questionnaire was applied to 413 students and, subsequently, a qualitative analysis was carried out through a focus group with 7 students and 10 interviews with those in charge of processes linked to tutoring. The subjects with the highest passing rates are English, mathematics, information technology and statistics. 66% of students reported emotional problems derived from family issues. In addition, a lack of commitment to their studies and difficulties with the credit system that limits the choice of teachers were identified. The research revealed the need to implement preventive programs, monitoring, psychosocial and psychoemotional programs, as well as a public mental health policy. It is crucial to strengthen tutoring programs and adapt the curriculum to improve academic performance and prevent lag and failure in higher education.
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