Narrative as a reflective practice in the formative process

  • Sonia Martínez Rubio Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México


The present article is the result of my doctoral studies in education sciences, during the time I did my PhD studies I did a research, which explains what is it like to be kindergarten  specialist nowadays, the purpose of the research was to understand the reality of a kindergarten teachers told by the protagonists involved in this activity. To carry the research study I used the narrative, in the theorical part, also as a methodological approach, however I discovered that the narrative itself is a formative process that allows the users the possibility to interpellate, interpret and understand oneself and the people around us. This article first presents the reasons that led me to wards the reflections included, I also point out about the connection between language and narrative, later I make a brief introduction of it, finally I present a dialogue about the narrative as a way of self-practice, I end presenting some brief considerations connected with narrative.


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How to Cite
Martínez Rubio, S. (2016). Narrative as a reflective practice in the formative process. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(12), 216 - 228. Retrieved from
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