The ontosemiotic approach practice system in Moodle platform for teaching Polynomial Interpolation
The subject of numerical methods is a must in mathematics and engineering careers; its formative practice is the substantial basis of many of the current computational developments. Its learning requires that the student has the mathematical knowledge that allows him/her to understand and apply them, however, its teaching is usually focused on mechanization, producing insufficient learning. The Ontosemiotic Approach (EOS) (Godino et al., 2007) is a theoretical system that integrates various theories of Didactics of Mathematics, which assumes that mathematical activity is focused on problem solving. The objective of this work was to build and test a technopedagogical route based on the EOS practice system implemented in Moodle to achieve the mathematical knowledge required for the learning and application of polynomial interpolation methods. The research-action methodology was followed. Materials, activities and contextualized problems were elaborated and selected, all arranged in the Moodle platform. The statistics generated by the platform provided elements that allowed validating the route. A quantitative analysis was made of the grades and records in the Moodle platform, and a qualitative analysis of the students' perception. The results reveal that the EOS practice system implemented in the Moodle platform improves mathematical learning, achieving 86% school approval. Students recognize the contextualized problems as the element that contributed most to their learning. This proposal could be generalized for teaching computational mathematics in higher education with promising results.
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