Use of Virtual Programming Lab and H5P tools for learning programming in higher level students
Due to the constant difficulty that students have when starting to learn programming and that has had repercussions on their academic performance, the objective of this study was to develop didactic materials that use the VPL (Virtual Programming Lab) and H5P tools as a strategy for learning Java programming in higher level students of the computer science faculty at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ). The methodology used was a mixed method. The quantitative approach used a quasi-experimental design and longitudinal analysis with two measurements, the statistical analysis of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was applied in order to know the impact of the use of the didactic material on the students. The qualitative approach used a semi-structured interview for the evaluation of the didactic material. The study was applied to a sample of 17 second semester students of the computer science faculty of the UAQ. The results of the analysis allowed evidencing the positive impact obtained by using the H5P and VPL tools for the understanding of concepts and the development of programming skills, obtaining as a result in the Wilcoxon signed-rank test a value equal to T+=1 at a significance level of α = 0.05. Regarding the perception of the use of the didactic material, the students considered that the design, navigation and interactivity criteria had a higher evaluation with respect to the criteria that evaluate the pedagogical and didactic-curricular categories. Likewise, students considered that the use of the OA allowed them to better understand the theory and concepts, as well as to put into practice the use of Java language syntax.
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