Progress of a water erosion and water quality monitoring system in four micro forest catchments of las cruces field

  • Isidro Villegas-Romero Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Antonia Macedo-Cruz Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Guillermo Carrillo-Espinosa Universidad Autónoma Chapingo


The anthropogenic water erosion is one of the forms of land degradation and water in Mexico and most important in the world, causing desertification in semi-arid and sub-humid areas of our country, affecting 32 million hectares of hillside soils suitable for forestry (SEMARNAP, 1998).Mainly forest area of the municipality of Texcoco, is subject to the impact of clandestine logging, overgrazing, fires, and the land use change from forest to hillside farming, mining and urban, which increases compaction soil, reduced infiltration and percolation rates, increasing the number of erosive surface runoff during decreasing soil fertility and moisture holding capacity leading to medium term to the decreasing availability of quality water landscape and desertification.trial, at which they presented their arguments orally and the court issued a ruling.


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How to Cite
Villegas-Romero, I., Macedo-Cruz, A., & Carrillo-Espinosa, G. (2015). Progress of a water erosion and water quality monitoring system in four micro forest catchments of las cruces field. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 1(2), 1 - 17. Retrieved from