Snakes and Ladders: innovative proposal for the Physical Education class
Students’ interest in Physical Education classes has declined due to the monotony of activities and/or games proposed by teachers. This study explored the impact of the traditional game Snakes and Ladders with a physical-motor adaptation, implemented through the Genially platform. The central objective was to analyze the experiences and meanings participants attributed to this game proposal after its execution. Additionally, it aimed to encourage reflection for designing and developing games that enhance future students’ learning processes. The intervention was conducted with pre-service teachers in the Bachelor’s Degree program in Physical Education at the Benemérita Escuela Normal “Manuel Ávila Camacho”, located in the capital city of Zacatecas. During the diagnostic phase, a qualitative approach was adopted, employing a phenomenological design to explore and understand the lived experiences of participants from their perspective. The participant pool consisted of 61 pre-service teachers, of whom 31 were conveniently selected by the researcher as the sample for interviews. The collected data were analyzed using MAXQDA software, revealing distinctive terms such as: motivational, satisfying, resistance, innovative, and enjoyable. The results determined that the game fosters active participation, enhances interest, motivation, and enjoyment, and contributes to the development of physical-motor skills. It was concluded that this proposal represents an innovative and effective game for Physical Education classes, capable of integrating technology with physical activities.
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