Development of an application to manage teacher follow-up at the preschool level
The development of applications or software programs are used in educational management environments, for the administration of various activities of managers and teachers. It is necessary to detect, analyze and implement in educational institutions the difficulties that come from in the organization and intervention of administrative staff. This study examined the effect of a management software in preschools, using a quantitative, quasi-experimental approach with pre-test and post-test data analysis. The pre-test results revealed a low internal consistency of the evaluation instrument and a high dispersion of the data, indicating inefficiency in principals' administrative tasks before the intervention. In contrast, the post-test results showed significant improvements in managerial management, with higher scores and greater consistency in management practices. The adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) also experienced a notable increase, accompanied by a decrease in the variability of scores, suggesting a more uniform implementation of the new management practices. Discussion of these results highlighted the importance of efficient management to ensure quality education. The conclusions indicate that the software enhanced administrative efficiency, consistency in management practices and the use of ICT.
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