Reconfiguration of internationalization of graduate programs at the University of Sonora (2018-2022)
This study analyzes the challenges faced by graduate programs at the University of Sonora (Unison) in the fields of Physical Sciences and Materials Science, due to political and economic transitions as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. The research aimed to answer the following question: How have the graduate programs at Unison addressed the challenges of internationalization imposed by political, economic transitions, and the pandemic? Understanding internationalization as a process of integrating an international and intercultural dimension into teaching and research, a qualitative methodology was employed, based on in-depth interviews with program coordinators and participants, document analysis, and a literature review to assess the state of internationalization in these programs. The collected data was transcribed and coded for analysis, and the results revealed a significant decline in student mobility and participation in international events, affected by the health crisis and reduced funding. The dependence on public funds limited the programs' ability to adapt, negatively impacting their productivity and innovation. Although adaptation strategies have been implemented, such as the establishment and strengthening of international collaborations and virtual seminars, these strategies have been reactive responses to external conditions rather than planned initiatives. To enhance the resilience and competitiveness of these programs, an integrated approach is essential, prioritizing funding diversification, faculty renewal, and the strengthening of international collaboration networks.
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