The development of historical empathy: A study on the narratives of future History teachers in Chile
In the last decade, teacher training in history has moved from traditional teaching to the constructivist paradigm. In this approach, teacher trainers promote meaningful learning that prepares future teachers to develop historical empathy, leaving aside memorization and the accumulation of information. This study analyzed the narratives about the Chilean social outbreak (2019-2020), produced by 24 future primary education teachers from a Chilean university, with the aim of evaluating their levels of historical empathy. The research, of a qualitative, exploratory and interpretive nature, was based on a non-experimental cross-sectional design. Content analysis was used to determine the degree of development of historical empathy, based on the following taxonomy proposed by Álvarez (2022): null historical empathy (absence of connection with the historical context), presentist (interpretation from the present), experiential (emotional reconstruction of events) and advanced (deep and contextualized understanding). The results showed that 54.1% of the narratives did not employ historical empathy, 16.7% reflected presentist empathy, 25% experiential historical empathy, and only 4.2% advanced historical empathy. It was concluded that such results indicate that future teachers do not integrate historical empathy or tend to interpret the past from a presentist and/or experiential perspective. These findings underline the need to strengthen teacher training in history, promoting strategies that foster more advanced levels of historical empathy in future teachers.
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