Perception of the service in the dining CUALTOS of the University of Guadalajara

  • Adán Sinohé Sánchez Rodríguez Universidad de Guadalajara


This research is focused on measure and then analyze, the determinant factors with regard to the perception of the quality of the food services from the consumers, doing a descriptive and exploratory research that allows to know the factors that affect the choice of the client, making possible the need to understand those aspects that generate to the business the possibility to increase the frequency of the shop, to improve this way those dimensions perceived unfouvarable by the consumer, from their own perception. As well as, show those variables to measure about the needs of the consumer, which are considerated like radicals to the moment of their choice, considering that are aspects that must improve the base in which the quality was perceived. So it is, very necessary to know as well as the details of the valuation of the aspects, for which this information describes in an analytic way the results, presented on graphs the status of the perception of the service.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Rodríguez, A. S. (2016). Perception of the service in the dining CUALTOS of the University of Guadalajara. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(12), 77 - 94. Retrieved from