Efficiency of simplified accounting as tool to generate financial reporting

  • Juan Pedro Benítez Guadarrama Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Patricia Delgadillo Gómez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Ana Luisa Ramírez Roja Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the efficiency of the simplified accounting as a tool to generate financial, useful information to the user in general, in making effective decisions about materials and financial resources aimed at increasing business development or enterprise; derivative this phenomenon, a financial software was developed based on the Regulation of the financial Information and the Mexican tax laws. The research was descriptive, correlational, not experimental, nonrandom, consisting of 90 subjects type. A staff of 20 items based on the ISO 9126 standard instrument, structured Likert scale with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.90.El statistical analysis shows the variables with the highest predictive value was created in efficiency, so it can be deduced that the software can be incorporated into business management and its relationship with the tax authorities in Mexico.


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How to Cite
Benítez Guadarrama, J. P., Delgadillo Gómez, P., & Ramírez Roja, A. L. (2015). Efficiency of simplified accounting as tool to generate financial reporting. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 1(2), 33 - 50. Retrieved from https://ride.org.mx/index.php/RIDE/article/view/24