UTEG University Center University consulting through strengthened the finances of microenterprise in the Guadalajara metropolitan área.

  • Miguel Ángel Haro Ruiz Centro Universitario UTEG
  • Carmen Adriana Barjas Sánchez Centro Universitario UTEG
  • Maria Candelaria Dolores Luquin Topete Centro Universitario UTEG


Microenterprises established in metropolitan Guadalajara, Mexico, is characterized as directed by one economic unit, it is who makes the decisions of major management, organisation management, control of its financial resources, the majority of cases are held in an empirical manner, derived from the above UTEG University Center, through research and academic degree in public accounting from direction , I design a program of University business consulting that would bring together students, teachers and researchers with entrepreneurs in order to provide them with training and continual updating according to the needs and particular weaknesses detected in the Diagnostics SWOT of each microenterprise consulted, in order to strengthen their finances through the implementation of a plan of action in the short medium and long-term, functional areas such as accounting, finance and tax obligations, in this way of life extends and economic unit is consolidated, grows and develops.   University business consulting model used in this research facilitates interaction and awareness of the entrepreneur with the students, teachers and professionals who bring their knowledge and professional experience, allowing them to intervene immediately in the solution of needs and weaknesses found in each micro-enterprise.


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How to Cite
Haro Ruiz, M. Ángel, Barjas Sánchez, C. A., & Luquin Topete, M. C. D. (2016). UTEG University Center University consulting through strengthened the finances of microenterprise in the Guadalajara metropolitan área. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 7(13), 535 - 561. Retrieved from https://ride.org.mx/index.php/RIDE/article/view/253
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