Contributions to the design of multimedia projects including the ICT in the field of higher education

  • Laura Terán Delgado Universidad Veracruzana
  • Amador Jesús González Hernández Universidad Veracruzana


This paper intends to propose three attributes indispensable to develop multimedia projects to support the teaching-learning process at the top level, serving as a guide for teachers and students to apply various tools when developing different jobs with different characteristics technology. The attributes that arise are: Pedagogical, which refer to the careful selection of the topic and relevant, appropriate curriculum content, incorporating methodologies, strategies and teaching-learning activities, storyboard development that will include steps and the content location, incorporating a vocabulary of technical terms and booster interactive content and messages; technology, are those who suggest the orderly and appropriate application of technological tools, which establish standards and criteria for applying technology in practical work commensurate with education levels where implemented, and Assessment, the purpose is to determine to what extent the product set meets the needs and the goal set in the delimitation of practical work, assessing pedagogical and technological aspects.


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How to Cite
Terán Delgado, L., & González Hernández, A. J. (2015). Contributions to the design of multimedia projects including the ICT in the field of higher education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 1(2), 72 - 87. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology