Evaluation of the relevance and quality of the degree program in accounting: study of employers and graduates
The aim of this investigation is to analyze the relevance and quality of the Educational Program (PE) of Degree in Accounting (LC) of the Autonomous University of Baja California. The population was constituted by the graduates of the program and by the employers' organizations where they work. For the collection of data, a structured questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were applied to key informants. The research findings show a high level of satisfaction with the performance and knowledge of the graduates from their employers, and that the insertion into the work life of the graduate is successful, so that the relevance and quality of the program is demonstrated; in the same way, the results obtained helped to detect the needs of services and vocational training of the LC, provided evidence to feed back the curriculum, as well as to improve some aspects of the educational practice and the integral training of the graduate in accounting, such as improving leadership skills and proficiency in English.
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