Educational innovation ¿Does the protagonist fail?: the ESCOM case
Innovation is the process that will allow a new educative focus based on learning and results in order to elevate education quality. Nonetheless, it depends on the disposition of teachers to accept the changes and face the education challenges; in other words, teachers are the main actors of education change. In this case study we analyze the perception of 66 teachers of Escuela Superior de Cómputo about the collegiate work for the evaluation process in teaching, in order to measure, using the pattern maching technique, acceptance or rejection that the implementation of a knowledge administration system would have. The evidence shows that 94% of the teachers interviewed perceive the development of such a system as useful or very useful, but are reluctant to use it compulsory, so this educational innovation should be promoted and considered as a support tool for teachers and students as well as going to work in the transformation of the existing culture to really come to build a culture of collegiality.
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