The role of ICT in education: Applications, Limitations, and Future Trends

  • Claudia Islas Torres Universidad de Guadalajara


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have significantly altered the way knowledge is currently managed, processed, structured, and disseminated. Some critics suggest that individuals have become part of this content and are no longer of real value by themselves – that we are data-driven and technology-dependent, unable to think for ourselves or act on our own, a situation that is perhaps reflected in the field of education. The following is a selection of studies aimed at showing the ways in which ICT has modified, altered, and, perhaps, transformed the field of education. Scientific literature and other sources have produced an enormous amount of documents and research about this topic over several decades, reflecting a variety of perspectives and methodologies. To analyze the applications, limitations, and future trends for ICT in education, several key points were compiled. For this paper, terms and keywords like the following were chosen as category descriptors: technology in education, applications, limitations, and future trends. We then worked with the information from the period between 2010 and 2017. The overall results show how the perception of ICT in education has changed; what was once seen as a tool for connectivity, learning, and empowerment, has become something inseparable from the daily life and activities of those in educational environments.


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How to Cite
Islas Torres, C. (2018). The role of ICT in education: Applications, Limitations, and Future Trends. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(15), 861 - 876.
Scientific articles