Challenges of the professional training of the industrial designer in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4RI)

  • Ana María Reyes Fabela Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • René Pedroza Flores Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


In this article the challenges of the professional training of the industrial designer before the development of the fourth industrial revolution (4RI) were addressed. The central idea was that the professional renewal of the industrial designer is required, now oriented towards the management and development of new technologies and new materials to provide solutions to social and industrial needs in the era of the transition between humanism and posthumanism. The assumption of the conformation of the designer 4.0, holistic and integrative, was contributed as a constructor of human and humanoid hybrids: bio-orgs, cyborgs, silorgs and symborgs. It was argued that industrial design is the profession of the future, because the professional market is demanding a new generation of designers: visual, interactive, bio-techno, UX (User eXperience) and UI (User Interface), for the fields of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Big Data, Robots, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Drones, 3D Printing and Avatars. State requires the updating of university study plans, under an interdisciplinary argument in the formation of innovation communities promoted with an imaginative, creative learning and ontological, epistemological, technological and scientific knowledge.


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How to Cite
Reyes Fabela, A. M., & Pedroza Flores, R. (2018). Challenges of the professional training of the industrial designer in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4RI). RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 1 - 22.
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