The video on the development of mathematical skills, case: Autonomous University of Carmen

  • Juan José Díaz Perera Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Carlos Enrique Recio Urdaneta Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Mario Saucedo Fernández Universidad Autónoma del Carmen


This paper intends to present some challenges faced by IES, the importance of math skills development and integration of technology resources in the mathematics curriculum. It also poses one of the needs of mathematics education in the State of Campeche, where it is clear the development of mathematical skills by the students in the learning process and as the Autonomous University of Carmen (UNACAR) responds to this demand through the math course I within its educational model focused on learning. Finally, discloses the experience with the use of video in the course of upper-level math I and appreciation by students to complement teaching. Also some thoughts on challenges that face the teaching community to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom in order to achieve the course objectives.


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How to Cite
Díaz Perera, J. J., Recio Urdaneta, C. E., & Saucedo Fernández, M. (2015). The video on the development of mathematical skills, case: Autonomous University of Carmen. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 2(3), 97 - 112. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology