ICT process management e-a, organizational communication area of the degree course in science communication


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) continue to transform the lives of those who live in the knowledge society. They are an inherent part of daily action, not only using them through a mobile, but within the family environment is subject to ever more innovative and interactive devices. Its use does not restrict ages and you can see that at an early agechildren become quickly familiar with them. In the educational sphere, the TIC are presents and have joined to all kinds of educational processes, which has caused changes in the education models, such is the case of the Integral Educational Model and Electric cord of the University Veracruzana, which takes as a priority the creation and innovation of educational ambiences, which demand of the teacher a series of competitions and of the student the integral and of integration formation of its learning. This article keeps relation with academic works and of investigation who have studied the mediating role that the Technologies of Information and Communication, they have inside the Institutions of Higher education, its target is to value the use of the TIC, like instruments of pedagogic mediation for the professional training of the students of the area communication Organizacional. The design of the investigation was of exploratory character, since it allowed for the first time the investigation of a topic realized to the interior of the faculty of Sciences and Skills of the Communication. The route of access to the social reality was of qualitative type, across the semistructured interview. The objective was to know the perceptions that teachers have of ICT and its mediating role. For this purpose, professors were chosen who teach the different educational experiences and who have distinguished themselves by incorporating innovative strategies into their academic practice. The study was conducted in February -July 2017 in the cubicles or auditoriums of the teachers. The obtained results of the realized interviews, they account that the university teachers consider the use of the TIC to be important in its daily work, nevertheless, in its small pedagogic chore its use is observed, since at the moment of constructing, designing or adopting the pedagogic model of the institution, not always an educational, of the same form intention is had, they are conscious that the incipient use concerning the TIC disables them to innovate in its classes and hence to improve the processes of education learning. The use of the TIC in the management of the process of Education – Learning, inside the area Communication Organizacional, is a question of supreme importance that deserves to be tackled in a frontal way, especially before the new professional profiles, which the labor market demands.


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How to Cite
Aguirre Gamboa, P. del C. (2018). ICT process management e-a, organizational communication area of the degree course in science communication. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 764- 788. https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v8i16.368
Scientific articles