Perceptions and actions of Autonomous University of the State of Mexico students in regard to a sustainable development education
Nowadays, the relation between nature and society is in critical condition. The big industries have transgressed the times of this relation, breaking the equilibrium of the ecosystems. This is provoking an irreversible damage to our planet. Simultaneously, people in some cities have changed the sense of what is needed to live. The perspective of the quality of life focusses on the accumulation of goods and it is thought that more is better, causing a consumerism no matter the repercussions at a personal, social and environmental level. In light of this situation, it was considered important to know the relation in which the students of the UAEM are with the sustainable development. For this reason, it was made an investigation whose goal was to identify and analyze the perceptions and actions related to the sustainable or unsustainable lifestyle in the students of the UAEM. The investigation was qualitative and descriptive. It was based mainly on two categories: the building of sustainable ethos and the sustainable education in students of the UAEM in Toluca. The first category go far into the perceptions and actions that the university students execute regarding to the sustainability. In the second one, it was known the perspective of the students regarding to the topic. The study was made from a purposive sample of 47 students from three different areas of knowledge: Health Sciences (Medicine and Nursing), Engineering and Technology (Engineering and Architecture) and Learning Sciences and Arts (Psychology) in Toluca, and they answered to a semi-structured interview. From the results of the investigation made at the UAEM in the year 2017, it is highlighted: The students acknowledge that the environmental crisis is caused by the human being, therefore, the recuperation of the environment and its citizens is responsibility of the human being; the university student in fact execute actions related to the sustainable development, and that actions come from habits and customs acquired mainly in the family; the perception that the students have is that the University does not have the conditions to accomplish actions in the interest of the environment ; the proposals that the students gave in order to improve the sustainable development at the University are: give wider diffusion of the information regarding to the care of environment, to have containers for recycling material and wastes, and conduct activities related to the care of environment in which the students can be involved. The information of the investigation will allow the development of proposals in the education sector at a bachelor level at the UAEM. Then it becomes necessary to emphasize a formal and informal education for the sustainable development that allows the inhabitants of the world address the current necessities, without compromising the future necessities, with responsibility and solidarity.
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