Profitable Interdisciplinary University companies: UAQ-Latex Theatrical Laboratory


Introduction: This article has sought to optimize the functioning of an interdisciplinary university company (scene-multimedia-music), through the creation of a permanent laboratory-workshop so that, regarding the planning, innovation and management of its products, can be profitable. Objectives: 1. to implement in our educational environment, through applied research, an interdisciplinary work that integrates the scene within a context intervened by the scientific culture and the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's). 2. Create strategies to generate a profitable university company. Methodology: An intervention and exploratory method applied, in the approach of a fusion of different scenic techniques and other artistic disciplines with the scientific culture through Technology and Innovation of communication, as well as a documentary research to be able to analyze the relevant mechanisms for the profitability of a university company. Results: This laboratory-workshop has facilitated the generation of an interdisciplinary platform of music-scene-multimedia of learning through research linked to the real task of professional artistic practice. For this, it has focused on preparation, the creation of coherent and clear objectives, linking, the design of strategies, environmental analysis, innovation, management and different aspects of production and dissemination. Regarding quantitative results, the following have carried out A) a thesis of Social intervention degree. B) Participation in three international conferences with presentations. C) Record of three scenic works D) Five interdisciplinary montages presented in different forums. E) Publication of an article in an indexed journal exposing the training structure of the laboratory. Conclusions: The project collaborated so that students, graduates and artistic teachers developed an interdisciplinary structure achieving five assemblies with optimal results. To obtain resources, agreements obtained with the Ministry of Culture and an artistic coproduction, as well as FOVIN resources through the strategic use of planning and management.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Draguicevic, P. S. (2018). Profitable Interdisciplinary University companies: UAQ-Latex Theatrical Laboratory. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(17), 837 - 864.
Scientific articles