Evaluation of heritage education programs in museums for people with ASD
This article presents the research program carried out for a study linked with the Spanish Heritage Education Observatory (SHEO). Based on source documents that corroborate the development of disciplines that sustain our work, heritage education, museums and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), there is a need to foment the dissemination of heritage education proposals carried out in museums for people with functional diversity, as well as the conversion of other spaces into inclusive environments. The aim of this work was to search for, analyze and inventory heritage education programs existing in Spain, designed for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. To do this, and using the SAEPEP-OEPE (Sequence of Analysis and Evaluation of Heritage Programs (Fontal, 2016) as a model, a series of instruments were used, which, apart from broadening our knowledge of the experiences analysed, enabled us to determine which quality standards usually contain this type of proposal. After gathering information, the instruments used to analyse and interpret it were selected, for which a sample of n=27 programs developed in museums for the population segment being studied, of a total population of N=1159 museums, were considered. From the data extracted from the aforementioned sample it has been possible to verify the need to know the characteristics of the group in order to adapt both the methods and the spaces, and the need to involve external agents and disseminate the work done. Among the key conclusions for this research are the scarcity of existing proposals and the importance of human value in all of the analysed initiatives.
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