Relations between the European Union and Latin America through higher education spaces: Latin American area of knowledge, common higher education in Latin America - EU and Higher Education space

  • Mª Mercedes Quicios García Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Latin America is a region of the world united by historical and cultural ties to both communities of nations, the Iberoamerican comprising in its European part to Spain and Portugal, and European union broader historical relationships with countries such as Italy, Britain and France and current relationships with the other countries of the region.In the context of the common culture and education, this article aims to clarify the initiatives that are being developed to promote internationalization processes in the field of higher education between the two continents, respecting regional particularities, entails a necessary rapprochement between educational systems , mobility, mutual recognition of qualifications and quality of the instruction provided, for being, as a common space, in the train of knowledge, research and development in which we move through this century just begun.


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How to Cite
Quicios García, M. M. (2015). Relations between the European Union and Latin America through higher education spaces: Latin American area of knowledge, common higher education in Latin America - EU and Higher Education space. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 2(4), 82 - 104. Retrieved from
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