Analysis of the impact of new information and communication technologies in university accounting education

  • Ana Isabel Segovia San Juan Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Patricia Rodríguez Fernández Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia


The primary objectives of this research are to develop a virtual environment trying to improve existing UNED, foster collaboration between teachers and tutors Headquarters and try to apply a robust system of continuous evaluation that allows the student to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, not only at the end of the process, but throughout the training process. However, the more ambitious goal was to work intensively on the development of a new methodology adapted to the EHEA that requires two fundamental changes in the teaching on the one hand, that becomes guidance and encouragement rather than mere transmission of knowledge, and in the student by another, which should enhance their skills and achieve autonomous learning new skills in accounting.


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How to Cite
San Juan, A. I. S., & Rodríguez Fernández, P. (2015). Analysis of the impact of new information and communication technologies in university accounting education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 2(4), 119 - 137. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology