Mobbing Between Congeners in Educational Institutions

  • Ma. Eugenia Sánchez Ramos Universidad de Guanajuato


The purpose of this document is to present through the documentary analysis reflections on the moral harassment or mobbing in university settings by women towards their peers. The qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study arises from two questions: What motivates women to morally harass another woman? Is the harassment of women similar to that of men? The response is complex due to shortages of sources and investigations centered on moral harassing women, and the lack of cases recorded in educational institutions where reporting protocols are directed exclusively to sexual harassment. The objective of the research focuses on exposing this phenomenon that is increasing due to the invisibility of women as a bully in the current discourse, where she is generally a victim of violence; however, when she exercises the opposite role, she is even more effective in paralyzing and destroying in a subtle and silent way, disguising herself in the clutches of friendship (Prieto, Carrillo and Castellanos, 2016). The research is a qualitatively focused documentary. It is accompanied by the results of the hermeneutic analysis of cases documented in a case study obtained from the interview. The method applied for data interpretation was triangulation method, which generated the reflections presented. The findings, therefore, establish new lines of inquiry since in the cases presented the leader of the harassment is hidden and uses the woman as a weapon for the harassment and destruction of her congeners, suggesting the development of new patterns of violence with the purpose of evading the regulations and detection protocols. Likewise, from the analysis of the sources it is concluded that, together with the fact that it is scarce, the limited existing research of alternative aggression is hidden in academic publications as macho culture ridicules the aggression of women as something unfeminine, hidden and in consideration of low-value researchers.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Ramos, M. E. (2019). Mobbing Between Congeners in Educational Institutions. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 10(20).
Scientific articles