The conception of the Indian education system in the postrevolutionary

  • Uriel Margarito Gaspar Universidad de Guadalajara


Educational discourses that appeared in the first publications of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) speak of two populations likely to be educated: the rural-in which included the indigenous and peasant and urban. In this dichotomy, appeared to rural Mexico, as a subaltern form, facing the growing hegemony of urban Mexico. The theme of this research is to analyze the creation of a conceptualization about the indigenous, through the speeches that were presented in the genesis of a model educational incorporativista whose effects still apply to the current image of the Indians. For this purpose, I have revised the SEP Official Bulletins published between 1921 and 1930, the research focuses on this period because education was the subject of copious debates and scene of several projects which sought to transform the lives of the Mexicans. Debates and projects that are part of a climate of intense social participation, in which politicians, intellectuals and various educational agents tried to redeem the people through education, seeking to realize some of the social demands emanating from the Revolution.


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How to Cite
Gaspar, U. M. (2015). The conception of the Indian education system in the postrevolutionary. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 3(5), 94 - 110. Retrieved from
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