The use of social network facebook to strengthen students in obtaining information and expressing ideas

  • José Juan Miranda Torres Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


The research focuses on the inadequacies on the part of students in the management of ICT, with the aim of contributing to the development of skills in searching for information using ICT. The idea to defend: is given for the guidance of students in the use of social network Facebook, from educational activities will take the novelty of the medium to ensure that students get adequate information and enhance the expression of their ideas. The research is developed using theoretical and empirical methods of scientific inquiry. The practical contribution is given by the teaching strategy: "The social network use Facebook to strengthen the students' ICT skills'S in obtaining information and expression of ideas," it is part of the unit learning Information Technology and Communication I, belonging to the discipline of Communication, Basic Academic Area, modality, first semester of School # 1 at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The result is the design and communicable argued the proposed teaching strategy.


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How to Cite
Miranda Torres, J. J. (2015). The use of social network facebook to strengthen students in obtaining information and expressing ideas. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 3(6), 73 - 97. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology