The story-learning strategy in teacher education

  • René López Auyón Escuela Normal de Capulhuac
  • Blanca Estela Solalindez Aranda Escuela Normal de Capulhuac
  • Petra Prisca Pérez Melchor Escuela Normal de Capulhuac


Address the experience of students in the 6th semester Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, in the story, as a strategy to develop skills for teaching. Is to investigate how the educational actors conceptualize pedagogical narrative with didactic purpose to promote writing as a subject located, discover and understand the action itself. See how students strengthen capacities to document objectively the ideas of what happens in the classroom, the interactions of the complexity of everyday life at school, dealing with children are axes of analysis to reflect the teaching practice.Knowing teaching strategies that help or hinder the students include: the recognition of the discursive instance in the construction of the story, the skills to narrate, analyze, explain and argue, write conscious rhetoric scaffolding to express the thought and reflection to perform teaching, leads to an understanding of the pedagogical action. The educational transformation and formation of learning communities can be strengthened to be teaching sensitivity to achieve maturity, find meaning and significance to the profession to train new educators, with a permanent relationship between educational actors in the courtly context.


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How to Cite
López Auyón, R., Solalindez Aranda, B. E., & Pérez Melchor, P. P. (2015). The story-learning strategy in teacher education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 3(6), 169 - 185. Retrieved from
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