What teaching and learning strategies encourage the development of creative ability in high school students face in effective learning in the area of social sciences?
Creativity is needed to provide solutions to problems. The research question is: What teaching strategies and learning fosters the development of creative abilities in students school classroom for effective learning in the area of social sciences? The study is based on a combination of theory and findings in a private school located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The interpretive approach is qualitative non-experimental design with cross-sectional descriptive case study type . The sample type is aspirational , not homogenous probabilistic . The instruments used are the method of observation and semi -structured interviews. There are activities that foster creativity. Few teachers who are aware that creativity can be increased while students believe otherwise. Then, teachers should make a diagnosis of your group and implement appropriate activities. Therefore, teachers must establish an environment where respect prevails and freedom of expression. Also have the support of educational managers is vital to achieve the above. You need to analyze the academic curriculum and re- design it. Creating a positive influence on students creative modern society.
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