The story as a teaching strategy for teaching evolution theories of Lamarck and Darwin-Wallace superior to average

  • Karla Quintino Salazar Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


The aim of this study was to analyze the story as a teaching strategy in the process of teaching and learning for understanding the evolution theories of Lamarck and Darwin-Wallace. The nature of the research was quantitative. Treatment of results was performed by X2 analysis (chi square) in the frequency responses of the pretest and posttest, based on discriminating between groups. Based on the alternative hypothesis that the narrative was established as a teaching strategy promotes learning theories of Lamarck and Darwin-Wallace.


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How to Cite
Quintino Salazar, K. (2015). The story as a teaching strategy for teaching evolution theories of Lamarck and Darwin-Wallace superior to average. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 4(7), 88 - 105. Retrieved from
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