Innovative practices: use of blackboard platform in blended modalities. END Case UABC Tecate

  • Velia Verónica Ferreiro Martínez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Adriana Isabel Garambullo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Janette Brito Laredo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


The great professional transformation of this century, is a great challenge for higher education institutions seeking to respond to the needs of the environment thereby adopting different didactics focusing on educational innovation, research andthe collaborative learning, distance education basadosen with support virtual technologies of information and communication.This article addresses the issue of the implementation of best practices within the teaching-learning process to relate the experience of using the blackboard virtual platform environment learning courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Business Tecate Autonomous University of Baja California , implementing the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) applied with the aim of engaging college students in educational trends that allow them to acquire knowledge and training within their training and yet familiar in the use of the platform and its tools . This experiment was conducted within a six-month period in groups of fifth and sixth semesters three step disciplinary Industrial Engineering Education Program.


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How to Cite
Ferreiro Martínez, V. V., Garambullo, A. I., & Brito Laredo, J. (2015). Innovative practices: use of blackboard platform in blended modalities. END Case UABC Tecate. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 4(7), 129 - 150. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology