Comparison of telework policy in Latin America

  • Angel Ernesto Jiménez Bernardino Universidad de Guadalajara


The distance education systems have improvised some regulations to regulate situations in fact, in most cases resolve situations under criteria that were initially designed for educational systems face under this wording is necessary to regulate a figure called Telecommuting , which involves developing rules to settle disputes and to cover loopholes workers who provide their services outside the company premises and employing information technologies and communication. In Latin America there are a number of bills, laws and decrees adopted on this subject, are discussed in very general cases of Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico. Although the analysis is limited to the study of the figure of the teleworker in general, no lands in figure teledocente but legal backwardness evident that our country has with respect to the regulation of telework Although this is incorporated into the latest labor reform of 2013 proposed by the President of the Republic.


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Asamblea Legislativa (2012). Proyecto de ley para la Promoción, Regulación e Implementación del Teletrabajo en Costa Rica expediente Nº 18549. San José, Costa Rica

Congreso de Colombia (2008). Ley 1221 de 2008 por la cual se establecen normas para promover y regular el teletrabajo y se dictan otras disposiciones.

Ley Federal del Trabajo. Comentarios, prontuario, jurisprudencia. México: Editorial Porrúa.

Poder Ejecutivo Nacional (2007). Régimen Jurídico del Teletrabajo en Relación de Dependencia, en cumplimiento de la Ley Nacional 25800. Buenos Aires.

Presidencia de la República (2012). Anteproyecto de iniciativa que reforma, adiciona y deroga diversas disposiciones de la ley federal del trabajo. México.

How to Cite
Jiménez Bernardino, A. E. (2015). Comparison of telework policy in Latin America. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 4(7), 200 - 222. Retrieved from
Social and Humanities