Young University Students and Normalistas Before the Days of Feminist Struggles in March 2020

  • Arturo Torres Mendoza Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


This document highlights the position of the students of various degrees on very specific gender issues: machismo, sexual harassment, psychological or physical aggression, the treatment women receive at home, and the way housework is divided. The objective that was set was to know how the students of higher education institutions position themselves with respect to feminist demands and the protests of March 8 and 9, 2020. The participants were 290 students from the following institutions: Escuela Normal Superior de Jalisco (ENSJ), Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN), Unidad 141 Guadalajara, and Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG). Among the results and conclusions, it is highlighted that a high proportion of the sample participated in the days of struggle of the International Women's Day of 2020; the vast majority of the UdeG and the ENSJ consider that there is discrimination and violence in their study spaces, not so for those of the UPN; in all cases, acts of violence and discrimination decreased with virtual classes, and regarding domestic violence, most of the students from the three institutions deny that it is present at home, however, they recognize, in high percentages, that housework is carried out, above all, by women.


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How to Cite
Torres Mendoza, A. (2021). Young University Students and Normalistas Before the Days of Feminist Struggles in March 2020. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 12(23).
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