On ICT skills, students from indigenous entrance UNPA

  • Bertha López Azamar Universidad del Papaloapan
  • José Antonio Rosales Barrales Universidad del Papaloapan
  • Javier Damián Simón Universidad del Papaloapan


With the purpose of knowing skills related about using new Technology Information and Communications (TIC’s) with incoming students at the Universidad del Papaloapan, in August 2014 was development a research, it was possible to obtain data that indicate from 87 students belong to an indigenous group. General information about the school of provenance are analyzed, skills into their native language, Spanish and English; besides, the use of the computer, Internet, and mobile devices. The investigation found that although the majority of incoming students have already had contact with a computer before joining at the University, there are few main activities they note knowhow; furthermore, it was observed that most of them have used the Internet especially to perform simple information search, but it was not possible to know and use other aspects about network.


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Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe. (2013). Enfoques Estratégicos sobre las TICS en educación en América Latica y el Caribe. Chile: UNESCO. Recuperado de: www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/FIELD/Santiago/images/ticsesp.pdf

Piscitelli (s.f.), Inmigrantes digitales vs. Nativos digitales. Recuperado de: mediavision.com.mx/sites/default/files/19_Nativos-Digitales.pdf

How to Cite
López Azamar, B., Rosales Barrales, J. A., & Damián Simón, J. (2015). On ICT skills, students from indigenous entrance UNPA. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 467 - 485. Retrieved from http://ride.org.mx/index.php/RIDE/article/view/162
Education And Educational Technology