Hypermedia system to manage of learning objects in secondary education

  • Lino Tetlalmatzi Montiel Instituto Tecnológico de Colima
  • Nicandro Farías Mendoza Instituto Tecnológico de Colima


Today, the educational institutions are in the need to implement educational programs supported by technological advances for the continuous improvement of their students. This article proposes a system hypermedia administrator of learning objects, whose application aims to improve teaching-learning process and develop the habit of the Autodidacticism, in addition to being aimed at the level of secondary education. The first stage defines a structure for the content of the Object of Learning (OA), at the second phase a domain of knowledge structure is specified and a management structure to an OA repository. To create this repository, OAs will be available for reuse in the structuring of other content-related subjects, for which this must comply with the standard Dublin Core metadata specification for integration into the repository.


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How to Cite
Tetlalmatzi Montiel, L., & Farías Mendoza, N. (2015). Hypermedia system to manage of learning objects in secondary education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 51 - 66. Retrieved from http://ride.org.mx/index.php/RIDE/article/view/117
Education And Educational Technology