PBL and M-Learning as Strategies for the Learning of the Linear Function in High School

  • Helí Herrera López Dirección General de Bachillerato Veracruz
  • Reyna Moreno Beltrán Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


The objective of this research was to build a course that combines the advantages offered by m-learning with a problem-based methodology. In this line, we show the achievements obtained by implementing a microcourse of linear functions for the subject of Mathematics IV of high school in Mexico through contents more adapted to the preferences of the students. Thus, participants analyzed situations specific to their context through the incorporation of mobile learning. Once the design was completed and using a quantitative approach, a questionnaire was applied to test the skills acquired by the students when solving different problems. The results show an improvement in the performance of the participants, as well as a better understanding of the topic of linear function, so it is possible to say that they increased their procedural skills and conceptual notions. The values obtained also allow us to build a new vision for the development of courses with a method based on m-learning. It is a perspective where the level of demand is not ignored and where the subjects are adapted to the new digital resources that are being developed in the global context.


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How to Cite
Herrera López, H., & Moreno Beltrán, R. (2023). PBL and M-Learning as Strategies for the Learning of the Linear Function in High School. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(26). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v13i26.1437
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